Tuesday, December 17, 2013

FRIENDSHIP.... Something you should cherish.

This is my final project for graphic design. That is me and my best friend Lorielyn, and yes I know its kind of creepy but deal with it. This poster I made is about friendship, this is the message for you guys saying, "If you have dear loved ones or friends you cherish, then enjoy them and cherish those every moments because every single moment is precious." So saying those words remember them, and keep them close. Friendship might not be important to you, but later in life your going to find out that those friends you made will help you in life, to look ahead, keep your head up, and think positive. So if you are reading this right now please remember these words I say. And if it's okay if you don't agree, but there is always a purpose in life, and if you are thinking there isn't there is. This is my final project signing off. HAVE A GOOD CHRISTMAS EVE!!!!! ^-^

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Fluttershy... Equestria Girls Style!!!!! (CubeeCraft)

This is my CubeeCraft style for Fluttershy when she was in the movie of my little pony, Equestria Girls. I used two programs: PhotoShop and Illustrator. I used the paint tool and the pen tool in Illustrator. I first had to scan my drawing of the CubeeCraft into the computer, after I did that I used the paint bucket in Illustrator once I did some edits in Photoshop. After, in Illustrator I used the paint bucket and then the pen tool to close some holes in the drawing. I finished it and saved it.

Monday, November 25, 2013

What's Pop! what's not...

This is my magazine cover I made and it's called, "What's Pop! what's not..." I used Photoshop and InDesign I used the paint bucket, moving tool, and the text tool.  I first dragged the picture I had into Indesign, after I went to Safari and searched for the background. After I dragged it made it bigger and sent it backward to make my logo seeable. I after then used the text tool to make my main article, and then made other articles. I then used the cursor tool to rotate the the text and make it look fun. I then searched up a bar code and dragged it to my picture.

The Borkie

This is my morphing animal which is called the Borkie and then I put the national geographic borders and the logo. I did this by using PhotoShop and using the text tool, magic wand to change the color of "national geographic." I went on safari and researched a national Geographic cover. Once I found the perfect one I dragged it to PhotoShop and used the magic wand to change the color of the words. I then after dragged the picture of my animal and created other titles for the magazine.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Franken Darwin

This is my project for graphic design. I had to use Photoshop and the burn tool to burn the edges of the yorkie's hair the lasso tool to take off the ears and the head of the bunny, I also used it to take the eayes and pig nose. I then used the erase tool to take some part of the cat's eye. After, I copied a background from the web to make my animal have a habitat of where it lives.

The Gradient Class Sign!

This was an assignment for my class. In order to do this I used PhotoShop using the the text tool and warped text tool to make the text exciting. I first typed all of my words and then selected all of them, I then went to the top and looked for the warped text tool which looks like a T being bended, after I picked which one I wanted.